It is well documented in any parenting book or website that play is important for early child development, it is known to help them academically and socially but did you know play is also known for its benefits on teenager’s emotional well-being? As children get older society often does not place the same value on […]
Time for Reflection
One of our team shares their reflective thoughts during lockdown …. The natural rhythm of lockdown Cast your minds back to a ‘normal’ school day morning….get up, dressed and out the door to deliver one or more children to school. Was it calm? Any Arguments? Any stresses about lost PE kits or forgotten lunch boxes? […]
13. Flow chart to find the NEED behind the behaviour
When everyone gets emotionally flooded it is difficult to see the child or teens need. Sharing Parenting programmes are based on Adler’s theory that ‘all behaviour has a purpose’. Do you often wonder why your child wants your attention as soon as you try to make a phone call? It is likely they are trying […]
Top Tips for Helping children With School Closure
Routines and familiarity often make children feel safe. Some children find change harder to handle then others. If a child’s routine changes it can make them feel anxious or sometimes angry. They may not be able to express why they are feeling these emotions. These top tips may help: Let children talk through the changes, […]
Win a prize in our Mother’s Day Competition
Update: The lucky winners to our Mother’s Day competition to our question: ‘What’s the best advice you would share with other Mums’ are: First prize goes to ….. Simone T – “The best advice I would share with other mums is – don’t sweat the small stuff, no parent does everything perfect or even right, […]
Day time and Night time wetting
Day time and Night time wetting Potty training and night time wetting can be very confusing for you and your child. We have put together a few tips below but please remember to speak to your health visitor or GP if you have concerns. Potty Training If you have a toddler you may be […]
Sharing Parenting Meets Grand Organisers / Mindful House, Mindful Life
Did you know that your physical surroundings, such as your house, car, kitchen cupboards or wardrobes can have a huge impact on how you feel? Have you ever shoved just one more item into that under- stair cupboard and walked away smiling, only to be carrying that niggling ‘unfinished business’ feeling the rest of the […]
We are Hiring!
If you (or anyone else you know) would like to work for Sharing Parenting please see our vacancies page. Outreach Workers We are currently looking for Outreach Workers to cover Newmarket, Brandon, Mildenhall and Lakenheath and areas. These are currently split into 2 posts but can be combined for the right candidate. The positions are […]
12. Sharing Parenting’s 24 Advent of behaviours
IF you are celebrating Christmas this December (or your child’s school takes part in Christmas celebrations and/or traditions) you may be interested in the Sharing Parenting Advent – top tips and suggestions for parents each day throughout Advent are below: Plan If you don’t know where you are going how will you know when you […]
Cheap, easy & nutritious meals
If you have been on our Raising Children programme you will have heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of need or take a look here: As food is so important to mood and behaviour remember: We are what we eat! Research has found that processed foods are not good for us and our children, but healthy […]