For months now Rainbows Of Hope have been popping up in windows all over the country in recognition of our key workers, and for 7 year old Amelia Rampling her French “arc-en-ciel d’espoir” picture has pride of place for an extra special person. Amelia, who lives in Newmarket, completed her beautiful picture in recognition of her Dad […]
18. Do You Have An Owl Or A Lark In Your Family?
“My youngest has been having a hard time over the last few days with settling down to school work, and is increasingly frustrated at learning at home. After a particularly stressful morning with my 7 year old sobbing and anxious something had to change. We had a family meeting to discuss what was working and […]
Helpful tips as your reopen your setting
After nearly three months of temporary closure, many schools and settings are now reopening. As we begin to navigate yet another “new normal”, early childhood educators will need to be more innovative than ever to balance the government guidelines with the age old issues of enrolment, staffing, and finances. Here’s our Covid-19 update with helpful tips to […]
Lockdown Literacy
Back in 2017 we introduced schools across Forest Heath to The Hungry Caterpillar Reading Café Project. It was a great success, funded by the local authority, engaging with over 400 families offering a wide range of themed reading cafés aimed at encouraging a love of reading. It won’t come as much of a surprise to […]
Is your child starting back at school after lockdown?
Starting school after lockdown feels very different than returning after the summer holidays or when children initially start school. Like all of us children have had a lot of change recently with not being able to see friends and family, online learning and restrictions on going out. Some will also be worried about the virus. […]
17. Gardening with children
Suzanne was asked her opinion about the importance of the garden for children and had some great ideas even if you don’t. Take a listen here: How is your garden? Our Outreach Worker, Ruth shares her garden experience with us: When I first moved to my home my garden was a patch of dust […]
Sharing Parenting Launch Family Packs To Support Isolated Families
We are pleased to share that Sharing Parenting is launching a new Family Resource Pack Project on Monday 11th May 2020 for isolated familes. Thanks to funding from Suffolk Community Foundation and the fantastic work of our Outreach Workers a pack is provided FREE to referred families to support them and their children at home during lockdown/isolation. Each […]
How to support my child at home
You can download one of our leaflets HERE and the reverse side HERE. If you and your children have to stay at home you may see a change in behaviour or may have to cope with more challenging behaviour with this change of routine. We have put together a few tips and strategies to support […]
16. Do You Have a Fussy Eater?
Fussy eating is really a common issue with children so please be reassured by that. Here are some of our top tips to help with fussy eating. Eating together, and having the same meals will often help children be less anxious about eating. This is a good opportunity to connect with your child. Timing, think […]
15. Top Tips for a Bedtime Routine
“I want to go to bed”- said no child ever! Bed times are often a battle while for some others getting off to sleep is the problem. Whatever your issues we have some positive tips to get back on track with your child’s sleep routine. Thick curtains or a blackout blind can really help getting […]