You can download this handy 30 Parenting Tips for everyday of the month to put on your fridge to remind you to keep positive every day of the month! 1 Stop Think Act At Sharing Parenting we share lots of tips and strategies to support parents/carers and professionals to keep the atmosphere calm and to […]
Please add to our Online Notice Board
Have you seen our new online notice board? It is a great way to share all your lovely pictures and positive comments. The wonderful children from Laureate Community Academy Primary School and All Saints CE Primary School in Newmarket have started us off we some wonderful posters with positive and motivating comments – thank you […]
Top tips for keeping calm with the children at home
Focus on your own thoughts and behaviours – Reframe and think of the positive. When talking to children say ‘keep your hands to yourself’ rather that ‘stop fighting’. Remember the big picture – Take each day or minute at a time. Be aware of negative news stories and it’s imapct on you – listen to music […]
20. Why is my child scared of going upstairs alone all of a sudden?
Parents and carers often ask us why their child is suddenly scared of going upstairs by themselves. This is a really common stage (and with the world being more uncertain at the mo it is likely for us all to feel more anxious) and it’s important to recognise that for your child it is a […]
STAYING WELL checklist
Taking care of your mental health is important, so you can take care of others. If you have a down day (and they are allowed) take a look at this STAYING WELL daily checklist and choose one to tick off and see if it makes you feel better. S leep If you haven’t had a good […]
19. Meditation for families
Our mind develops habits, and these habits can make us tense, uptight or cause pain and anxiety. Whatever difficulties we have in life it can be hard sometimes not to feel overwhelmed and with an anxious mind, solutions seem hard to find. In meditation we can use the breath to create some space in our […]
Useful SEND Resources
I am currently running support groups for parents who have children with SEN. Here are some of the websites and books they have found useful. Some are from parent’s views. Some are set up to help you navigate your way through accessing support, extra help for your child, benefits you are entitled to and much […]
How to talk to your children about the Coronavirus (Covid 19)
The Coronavirus (Covid-19) is currently dominating conversations and news stories and your children will be listening to lots of information about this. This may make them feel worried. They may or may not tell you this but you might notice this in their behaviour. We have put together some tips and advice below which you […]
Over 250 Families in West Suffolk Receive Sharing Parenting Family Resources Packs
As the national lockdown took hold In March 2020 local based Community Interest Company, Sharing Parenting, quickly realised that parents and carers would need additional support for them and their children during isolation. The team adapted their online presence to include free access to their online Raising Children course and added blogs, vlogs (videos) and […]
FREE Summer Activities
After 4 months of home schooling you may find filling the Summer Holidays a breeze this year! However, if you are stuck for ideas and want some FREE activities to do with your children take a look here: You can download our summer schedule HERE or some more ideas HERE Come and meet us for […]