Try this: Fold your arms, now fold them the other way. It’s not so easy is it? Feels a bit uncomfortable and much easier to do it the way you have always done it. Learning new parenting strategies can feel like this sometimes. We have a saying: ‘If you always do what you’ve always […]
36. Stop…Think…Act
At Sharing Parenting we share lots of tips and strategies to support parents/carers and professionals to keep the atmosphere calm and to protect children’s self esteem for now and the future adults they will become. These are only any good if we can remember to use them at the right time (although, none of us […]
35. Learning through play
Did you know that your child is learning when they are playing? Play teaches so many things – maths and number work, speech and language development, science – how things work and why, learning to share and take turns, colours and matching and so much more. What did YOU play with as a child? WHO […]
34. How to identify and respond to the need behind the behaviour
It is important to share the people behind the research before we begin. ALFRED ADLER (1870-1937) Alfred Adler was an Austrian psychotherapist working in Vienna at the same time as Freud. He was one of the first psychotherapists who was interested in the relationship between parents and their children and individuals and society. Adler recognised […]
33. Are you really listening ?
We aren’t taught to listen, we ‘just do it’. Some people are better than others. Sometimes as parents, things get in the way and we can be distracted when our children are trying to talk to us. Listening does not mean fixing, it means supporting our children to work things out. Encourage them and build […]
32. Are you restricting growth by labelling your child?
Do you have a little queen or princess at home? Or maybe a little monkey! Labelling is included in our Sharing Parenting programmes and we discuss whether labels are a positive or negative thing. If you have felt a connection from a relative who has also ways had a nickname for you then this can be […]
31. How does your parenting style effect behaviour and self esteem?
What’s your parenting style? What parenting style did you grow up with? At Sharing Parenting we discuss 3 different styles: 1. Aggressive – this is the Sergeant Major type, behaviours include shouting and threatening body language such as finger pointing. 2. Passive – Mr or Ms Marshmallow, likely to be giving in quickly to all demands, slumped body language, […]
Mother’s Day Competition 2023
Want a chance to win £30 Tesco Voucher ? Head over to our Facebook page and let us know your favourite activity or place to go as a Mum, in the comments below (and tag your place). Closing date Monday 20 March (the day after Mother’s Day) and the winner will be chosen and notified […]
30. What is the difference between praise and encouragement?
We ALL need a bit of encouragement in life – and sometimes more than other times. When our confidence is low, and our self-esteem is lacking, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way. So what’s the difference and why does it matter? Praise: Focuses is on the doer and achievements – in […]
Cost of Living Impact on Mental Health and Support
Keith from Rehab Recovery, a website he founded himself, to help bring together people who’ve been affected by addiction and mental health issues, shared this with us: Many of our members have been negatively impacted by the cost-of-living crisis, and we can’t really see many publications talking about the mental health aspect of the crisis. To remedy […]