Children don’t come with an instruction manual and you may find yourself dealing with challenging behaviour and power struggles within the family or in your professional role supporting children and/or families. Our parenting conference offers you an opportunity to find answers to some of your parenting questions and learn more about our evidence based parenting […]
6. Stories without books can be educational (and fun) too!
Splish Splash Splosh was all I could hear as the kids ran through the puddles in their wellies. So I joined in too! Don’t let reading become a chore and bring stories to life with your children, indoors and out. Acting out stories and repeating phrases from stories will help to build up confidence in […]
5. What is modelling when parenting?
Do you want to know the secret of getting your kids to do what you want them to do? ..…. YOU DO IT! At Sharing Parenting we call this ‘modelling’ If want your children to be quiet … lower your voice (or even whisper) and the noise level will go down. If you want your […]
Sharing Parenting’s 10 Year Challenge
Where were you 10 years ago? What were you doing? What advice would you give yourself 10 years ago (knowing what you know now)? The Sharing Parenting team are taking it in turns to reflect on their own experiences over the past 10 years …. Nina Around ten years ago, I was pregnant with my […]
4. Why Board Games can still help your family connect in the 21st century
A recent study found that 42% of parents said they were worried that social media is distracting their children away from quality family time when they are at home and 48% of those polled said they felt guilty that they don’t spend enough time with their loved ones. One of my positive early memories is […]
3. Can learning be fun?
A problem with learning at school is sometimes children do not see the link with the world around them or with their goals and dreams. Learning because you are told to can be hard especially if you don’t see the importance of it. Help children to see where learning fits into their goals and how […]
Can You Support Us In Forest Heath?
We are excited to be working on a new project for volunteers in the Forest heath area – watch this space! […]
Homework – “Does it work?”
Homework – “Does it work?” The first thing to look at is whose responsibility is the homework? When they are young we have to take the lead role as parents, however, as children grow up the responsibility should gently shift to the child. This allows the child to learn the consequences of not doing it […]
2. Discipline- What is the best way to discipline my kids?
Discipline- “What is the best way to discipline my kids?” Try to put yourself into the child’s shoes for a moment. How would you feel as the child being disciplined? Imagine if your parent took away your favourite toy or some other privilege? What feelings arise? Does it feel unfair? Do you feel disrespected? Taking […]
1. Screen time – How much is too much?
Screen time – “How much is too much?” Screen time, like a lot of tools, when used properly, can have a lot of benefits for children. There are some great educational sites and the trick is to pick your children’s sites carefully. However, like anything, it can misused. There is a lot of evidence now […]