Parents often worry that their child will struggle learning two languages. A child’s Language development takes place in a different part of the brain to an adult, which means it is actually easier for a child to learn a new language compared to an adult, as long as they are given the right opportunities. While […]
Calling all DAD’s!!
If you are a Dad (or know someone who is) and is looking for somewhere to meet other Dad’s and just get together or for support EPIC Dad is the place for you. EPIC Dad will be officially opening their new premises for Dad’s and Father Figures from 10th September 2019. Their official opening with […]
7. Whose responsibility is it anyway?
Are we doing too much for our kids? How many times has your child’s school called you during the day asking you to bring something in your child has forgotten. Did you do it? Being a parent surely comes with the responsibility of preparing our children for adult life beyond the cushy comforting cocoon of […]
Local Community Interest Parenting Company Celebrates 10 years at Newmarket Parenting Conference
Over 60 parents and professionals, working with children and families, attended the ‘Everyday Magic by Ordinary People’, Sharing Parenting Conference, on Wednesday 10th July, at Newmarket Memorial hall. Suzanne Pearson, Sharing Parenting’s Director said: “We are so pleased at how well the conference was received this year. We had planned to run the conference every […]
Stress Free Summer
Wondering how you are going to fill those long summer holidays? Have a look at some of our ideas and download the Stress Free Summer Planner SUMMER PLANNER and Summer ideas and Free Kids activities . Please let us know your ideas too, so we can pass them on to other parents. Remember to look […]
The Local Parent Magazine
Did you know Sharing Parenting has it’s own magazine called ‘The Local Parent’? Here we share articles, What’s On and coming up, Community Spotlight, Parent’s questions and answers and more. We give out hard copies in Red Lodge, Mildenhall and Lakenheath but you can download your copy here: Spring 2019 Winter 2019 October 2018 July […]
10 Ways To Develop Your Child’s Brain in Newmarket Over Half Term!
To continue celebrating our 10th Birthday, we’ve compiled a list of 10 Ways to develop your child’s brain during May’s half term break! Research has shown that that millions of parent-child sharing moments during childhood can set up vital brain connections that enable our children to have deeply enriched lives. So, let’s look at […]
Sharing Parenting Celebrates 10 Years Parenting Support With Our Local Community
Sharing parenting has been supporting families and professionals for 10 years now and has planned a different idea each month to help celebrate with our local community. In December we gave away food and supplies to the charity Open Door who support people in Newmarket. In November we gave away information about teenage drinking […]
Are you looking for a new opportunity with a Community Interest Parenting Company? Do you have experience working with children and parents? Do you have experience working in a community as an Outreach worker? Please take a look at our Vacancies for a Family Support Worker and Outreach Workers. You can download an application form here: APPLICATION […]
Support for over 300 families a year recognised in Community Award.
Sharing Parenting, an Evidence Based, Community Interest Company, based in Newmarket since 2009 was recognised for their on going support to professionals and over 300 families in the local area, at an awards afternoon held at the prestigious Newmarket Racecourse on Friday 5th April. There were a number of awards being presented in the region. […]