Please check before booking as all our programmes are currently subject to change.

Raising Children and Refresher Course
ONLINE 4-day Facilitation Training (including complimentary 1 day Raising Children Plus – Refresher Training) For Professionals – ONLINE
Dates: To be confirmed – please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.
Venue: Online Zoom
Times: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Cost: £549.00 (reduced price – was previously £650) FREE complimentary Raising Children Plus- Refresher Course training has been included with this 4 day Raising Children Training and includes professional facilitators guides with lesson plans).
Want to train your staff to be able to deliver parenting programmes/evidenced based strategies that work to parents and or other staff in your setting?
This is the CORE training for Professionals for delivery of the 10-week Evidence Based Raising Children Programme.
Delivered by over 300 professionals. Includes key psychology of Adler; styles of parenting; self-esteem and lots more…
Please see our Facilitator Training page for more information or contact us to book your place.
Raising Children Plus+ (previously named Refresher Course) Training for Professionals - ONLINE

Date: To be confirmed – please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.
Venue: Online via ZOOM
Times: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Cost: £165.00 (FREE with the 4 day Raising Children Training) includes a Facilitators Pack with lesson plans, facilitators notes and handouts.
Raising Children is the CORE training for Professionals for delivery of the 10-week Evidence Based Programme, the Refresher Training is for Professionals to deliver a top up to all those families who received Raising Children training.
This fun and interactive course has been designed people so many professionals and parents asked us for it!
Do you deliver Sharing Parenting’s Raising Children to parents and carers?
Remember how they never want the 10 weeks to finish and always ask for something more?
Our new course – called Raising Children Plus – Refresher is for parents/carers who previously attended Raising Children and may have fallen back into old habits or would like the opportunity to practice some of the skills and strategies learnt on the Raising Children Course or just an excuse to meet up with others again.
You’ve already built relationships by recruiting parents/carers to the course. The Refresher for Raising Children gives you the opportunity to stay in touch, reconnect and gives you something to book into the calendar at the end of the 10 weeks.
We think you will love the new materials which include games, quiz’s and DVD with case studies to discuss.
The ONE DAY Refresher for Raising Children Professional training will prepare you to deliver the Refresher course to parents/cares which is designed to run once a week, 2 hour sessions, for 4 weeks.
Please contact us to book your place.
Work With Parents Qualification For Professionals

Dates: To be confirmed – please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.
Times: 9.30am-3.30pm
Venue: Online via ZOOM
Cost: £850.00 (Reduced from £1175)
If you work with families this is THE course for you.
Equivalent to Level 3 City & Guilds Award for Work with Parents. Modules include:
Understand the values and principles which underpin working with parents.
Build and maintain relationships in work with parents.
Theoretical models including attachment theory, Maslow, social
learning theory, human ecological model and parenting styles.
Enable parents to reflect on the influences in parenting and the
parent-child relationship.
Support parents to meet their children’s needs.
For more information and the book your place please see our Work With Parents Qualification page or contact us.
Outside the Box (SEN)

Date:To be confirmed – please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.
Time: 9.30am-3.30pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Cost: £165 – including manual and workbook
Find out more about the Outside the Box Course HERE
Email info@sharingparenting.com for more information.
Sibling Rivalry

Date: To be confirmed – please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.
Venue: Online via Zoom
Times: 9.30am-11.00am
Cost: £95 – includes manual and workbook!
Support parents with Sibling Rivalry
Find out more about the Sibling Rivalry Course HERE
Email info@sharingparenting.com for more information.
You may also be interested to read feedback from professionals with have worked with and supported on our Professionals Comments page.
You may also be interested to see our Facilitator Training page for more information.
Please also see our Training and Qualifications page for information about further continous professional development (CPD) opportunities.
To book onto any of the above courses please contact us or download our Booking-Form-For-Professionals.docx (which can be completed, scanned and emailed to us at info@sharingparenting.com)
We look forward to working with you.