How Sharing Parenting can support your organisation
We work closely with schools and external organisations and offer professionals a range of opportunities to gain confidence, skills and knowledge in order to develop positive strategies for them, to support them in their work with parents and carers and to help them raise healthy happy children.
We have links in local schools and have worked closely with All Saints CEVA Primary School and Laureate Community Academy School and Nursery in Newmarket and Westfield Primary Academy in Haverhill. We we can work with professionals from any school. Please see our Who We Work With Page for more information.
Sharing Parenting can support your organisation in a range of ways:
1. We can deliver CPD MODULES to your professionals at your next training day to support them in their work with children, parents and or families.
Please see our What’s Coming Up for Professionals page for dates coming up. Please contact us if you would like to book us for your next training day.
Our half day of full day programmes include:
- The Psychology behind Children’s Challenging Behaviour
Learn key strategies to support children and parents in your workplace and better understand why children behave the way they do and how to support them.
- True Colours
Knowing your personality type and those around you can really help you to work more productively. This is great to understand colleagues, teams, parents and the children you work with.
- Mindfulness
Teaching you how to share techniques and tips for remaining clam in a frantic world, supporting you to have a clearer mind and make better decisions.
- Stress Busting for Professionals
A little bit of stress can be healthy but too much and it is not productive.
Learn some practical techniques which you can put into place for yourself, colleagues you work with and the parents and children you support.
- How to ask the right questions to effect change using Neurolinguistic Programming
Just phrasing the question in a different way can help you to get the results and understanding you want – quicker!
- Sibling Rivalry
- Building Resilience in Children
- Adler the Man
Please see our CPD page for more information.
- Bespoke Courses
If you have a need which is not addressed here please contact us to discuss a bespoke course (it is very likely we have delivered it before!).
We can come to your or you can join us in Newmarket, please see new dates here.
2. Our trained facilitators can DELIVER PARENTING PROGRAMMES to your parents or carers in your school or organisation online.
Courses for Parents and Carers
- Raising Toddlers
- Raising Children
- Raising Teens
- Dad’s Matter
- Outside The Box
- Lets Play
- Food For Thought
- Sibling Rivalry
- Building Resilience
- True Colours
- Mindfulness
- Confident Parents-Confident Children
Workshops for Parents and Carers
- An Introduction to True Colours
- An Introduction to Building Resilience
- An Introduction to Mindfulness
- An Introduction to Confident Parents-Confident Children
Taster Sessions for Parents and Carers
- Effective Discipline
- Understanding Challenging Behaviour
- Power Struggles
- How to Talk so Kids will Listen
- Motivating your Child Academically
- Parenting Styles
- Sibling Rivalry
- Labelling
- Birth Order
- True Colours
- Dads Matter
3. We can TRAIN YOUR PROFESSIONALS to deliver these programmes to your parents or carers.
Facilitation Training
Our three day Raising Children Course for professionals is accredited.
Please note all of our courses, workshops and taster sessions above can be adapted for professionals to learn how to share and deliver to the parents and carers they support. Our modules include professional packs to include all lesson plans and Facilitator guides.
Please see our Facilitator Training page for more information.
4. You can SIGNPOST your parents or carers to courses.
Please see our What’s Coming up for parents to keep up to date with our Courses, Workshops, Tasters, Pop Ups and Community events to signpost your parents and carers to.
Please contact us if you would like us to send you some posters to display in your setting.
5. We can offer MENTORING, SUPERVISION AND SUPPORT to your professionals working with parents and families in your organisation.
Do you feel overwhelmed after speaking to parents and carers?
Would you like to talk to trained and experienced professionals, confidentially about your work with parents and carers?
Please see our Mentoring, Supervision & Support page for more information.
6. Professionals working in your organisation can gain an accredited ‘WORK WITH PARENTS’ QUALIFICATION
Are your staff qualified to meet the National Occupational Standards for Working with Parents?
Please see our Work With Parents Qualifications on our Training and Qualifications page.
7. You will be interested to know you can purchase a range of RESOURCES AND POSTERS to support positive parenting and embed learning.
You can find more information and an order form in our Resources and Posters page.
Please see our Professional comments to read feedback and testimonials from professionals we have worked with.
Please see our FAQs page for frequently asked questions from professionals.
Please see our What’s Coming Up for professionals to keep up to date with training opportunites, local Pop ups and Community events.
At Sharing Parenting our approach is always encouraging, enabling, empowering and educating.

Please see What’s Coming Up for professionals where you can book your place or contact us to discuss bespoke training or support, or to let us know you are interested in any of the above by clicking the button below: