The ‘Sharing Parenting’ programmes offers professionals a range of opportunities to gain confidence, skills and knowledge in order to develop positive strategies to support the parents they work with to enable them to raise healthy happy children.
Our Approach is always Encouraging, Enabling, Empowering and Educating.
Facilitator Opportunities
We offer professionals facilitator training so you can confidently deliver our evidence based Sharing Parenting Programmes to your parents and carers including:
Courses which are usually 1 or 2 hour weekly sessions, delivered over several weeks include Raising Toddlers, Raising Children, Raising Teens, Dads Matter, Outside the Box, Sibling Rivalry, Let’s Play, Food for Thought, Building Resilience, True Colours, Mindfulness and Confident Parents-Confident Children.
Workshops which are usually one off sessions delivered in one day include An Introduction to Building Resilience, An Introduction to Mindfulness, An Introduction to True Colours and An Introduction to Confident Parents-Confident Children.
Taster Sessions which are usually one off sessions delivered in 1-2 hour hours incude Power Struggles, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, Motivating Your Child Academically, Parenting Styles, Sibling Rivalry, Understanding Challenging Behaviour, Labelling, Effective Discipline, Birth Order, True Colours and Dads Matter.
Facilitation Training Process
Training would ideally be supported by your organisation to ascertain relevant experience, qualifications and point of entry into the Facilitator Training Programme.
There are 5 stages to become an Accredited Facilitator to equip you to deliver (in the first instance) our Raising Children course:
Stage 1 – Attend the 3 day intensive training filled with invaluable information, facilitator pack with lesson plans and faciliator notes, strategies, tips and support
Stage 2 – Attend a 10 week Raising Children course as a Participant Observer
Stage 3 – Attend a 10 week Raising Children course as an Assistant Facilitator
Stage 4 – Attend a 10 week Raising Children course as a Facilitator
Stage 5 – Attend a one day Facilitator Accreditation Day
Stage 1
3 Day Facilitation Training – Raising Children
The 3-day training gives participants an opportunity to become familiar with the Sharing Parenting course content, facilitator pack with lesson plans and faciliator notes, as well as time to explore their personal feelings around some of the exercises around the Raising Children course content, including delivery styles, Sharing Parenting Theories (Adler etc) and how to prepare for best delivery and any challenges.
The primary aim after completing this course is to be able to offer parents a supportive environment in which to gain information, knowledge and skills around parenting issues.
Core skills taught during this professional course can be practically applied to your setting.
On-going consultation is offered both during and after the training for those wanting further guidance.
Stage 2
This an opportunity for the new facilitator to observe/shadow/participate an experienced facilitator on a Raising Children course, to reinforce content, put skills learnt into practice, increase group work experience and assess areas to further develop.
Stage 3
The Assistant Facilitator is then expected to co-facilitate a Raising Children course with a lead facilitator.
If the training is with the ‘Sharing Parenting’ Team, he/she will be mentored, which involves setting aside specific time each week to look at concerns, questions and any issues arising out of the training or delivery.
This 3rd stage may be repeated until both the mentor and the new tutor agree to move to stage 4.
Stage 4
The facilitator is encouraged to deliver the Raising Children Parenting Course on his/her own with appropriate support and supervision. This stage can be done in partnership with the ‘Sharing Parenting’ Team ie. The mentoring process continues + regular observational visits.
Stage 5
Facilitators are expected to be monitored at each key stage and all information is fed into the accreditation process. The accreditation helps to ensure the fidelity of the programme and that facilitators delivering ‘Raising Children’ reach the standard required for the programme. This process includes the mentoring report and one day assessment on both curriculum and attitude.
Further Training to deliver other Sharing Parenting Programmes
Once you have completed the training to deliver the ‘Raising Children’ Course you will be eligible to attend further 1 day training days.
These give participants an opportunity to become familiar with additional content to enable them to deliver our other Sharing Parenting courses and workshops such as Raising Teenagers, Raising Toddlers, Sibling Rivalry etc.
1 day Facilitation Training Days
Further one day training days offer professionals an exciting opportunity to acquire techniques to equip them to deliver most of our Sharing Parenting Courses, such as:
- Raising Toddlers
- Raising Teens
- Dads Matter
- Outside the Box
- Sibling Rivalry
- Let’s Play
- Food for Thought
- Building Resilience
- Mindfulness
- Confident Parents-Confident Children
and many of our Taster Sessions, such as:
- Power Struggles
- How To Talk So Kids Will Listen
- Motivating Your Child Academically
- Parenting Styles
- Sibling Rivalry
- Understanding Challenging Behaviour
- Labelling
- Effective Discipline
- Birth Order
- Dads Matter
We can also offer bespoke training so if you don’t fancy any of the above please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Resources and Posters
Attendees on the Facilitation Training Programme (and further Facilitation training days) will receive professional tutor manuals to support thier future delivery.
We also have a range of invaluable resources to support and embed your learning and teaching.
You can find more information and an order form in our Resources and Posters page.
Working With Parents Award
Please also see our Work With Parents page for further information about the ‘Work With Parents’ training.
Please see our Professional comments to read feedback and testimonials from professionals we have worked with.
Please also read our Sharing Parenting Stories and Feedback from other parents who have attended our programmes.
You may wish to read our FAQs for Professionals page also.
Please see What’s Coming Up for professionals where you can book your place or contact us if you would like bespoke training and support, if you would like more information about any of the above or to let us know you are interested in working with us.