Do you find yourself asking “Why won’t they listen to me?” or “How can I be ready for my child’s next stage?” or “Am I saying or doing the right thing?“
At Sharing Parenting we believe all parents should have access to good quality and reliable parenting information and support.
What other job do you start without the relevant training, supervision and support – not to mention lack of sleep, time and money!?
Online Course and Workshops
Please see our online courses and workshops – These include Raising Children’s 10 weeks sessions which are available for you to access at anytime convenient to you.
You can access many quick tips and blogs about positive strategies here.
Please access our Sharing Parenting podcasts for real parents here.
(*Please note our face to face courses have a limited capacity at this time. You can find lots of useful resources on our website such as strategies, podcasts and videos/vlogs.)
All Sharing Parenting *Courses are listed below – click the blue titles for more information or click the contact us button below for more information or to let us know you are interested in joining us on one of our courses.
Raising Toddlers
Are you struggling with the ‘terrible two’s’? Has your toddler started to say ‘No’!? Have they started to refuse the foods they used to eat?
Our Raising Toddlers course will help you identify and develop some new strategies to help your baby transform into a toddler who is able to grasp all of the new opportunities that are coming their way – and all whilst keeping your own sanity!
Raising Children
Do you want to support your child with their self esteem, friendships and school work?
Come and meet us and other parents in a supportive and informal environment, in which you can gain information, knowledge and skills around parenting issues.
Learn from our evidence based course and from each other and get some advice and strategies to help you through the primary years.
Raising Teens
Do you find yourself asking “Why doesn’t my teenager want to talk to me?” or “Why does my teenager want to spend all their time with their friends or in their room?” or “What is happening to my teenager’s changing brain and how can I support them?“
Get ready to support your teenagers as they move through adolescence and learn to cope with hormones, mood swings, major brain restructuring, risk taking and new relationships.
With the perfect opportunity to meet other parents, share experiences, learn from each other and get some advice and strategies to help you through the teenage years.
Dads Matter
Do you want to meet other Dads?
Do you want to find out more about the 4 different roles you can play, as a Dad, in your child’s life?
Do you want to help promote the positive reputation of Dads?
Of course dads are welcome on all our programmes but this one is just for you to support the very important role of dads in the family, including research behind your important role.
Join other dads, who are experiencing the same challenges as you, on our popular Dads Matter course.
Outside The Box (SEND)
Do you feel isolated as a parent with a child with additional needs? Do you want to meet other parents with similar challenges? Do you want to celebrate the positives with your child?
We are so excited about Outside the Box where we will share with you many of our adapted strategies from our Raising Children course. Come and meet parents who may be experiencing the same challenges as yourself, and the chance to discuss these in a supportive, positive and confidential environment.
Sibling Rivalry
Do you feel you are always playing referee to your children?
Do you often ask yourself – “Why do they always argue when I leave the room?” or “How can I support my children to get along with each other?“ ….then this is the course for you!
Let’s Play
Do you find yourself asking “Am I a bad parent as I am bored with playing with my child?” or “Why is play so important?” or “What is child-led play?” or “Why won’t my children play with their toys?” or “How can I get my children off their screens?”… then you will love Let’s Play.
Food For Thought
Have you started to dread mealtimes or do you find yourself asking “Why won’t my toddler eat the foods they used to like as a baby?” or “How can I be sure they are getting enough of the right foods to keep them healthy?” or “I’d like to know more about how to feed my children healthy foods they will eat?” ….then Food for Thought is just what you are looking for.
Building Resilience
Do you often ask yourself:
“How can I support my child when they fall out with their friends?” or “How do I know my child will be able to pick themselves up on the not so good days?” or “How can I prepare my children for their future?”… then this is the course for you.
True Colours
Do you find yourself asking:
“Why is my child different to me?” or “Why do I hate doing the things he/she loves?”or “How can I support my child with their friendships?“ or “How can I learn to tolerate different personalities at work?”… then you will love this FUN personality based course.
Do you often find you are stressed or lack focus on one thing or would like to learn techniques to keep a healthy mind? or Would you like to model these calming tips to your children for a calmer house? … then you will love this course.
Confident Parents-Confident Children
Do you find yourself asking:
“How can I be less stressed around my children?” or “Why do they not listen to me, when I keep asking them to do something?” or “How can I change my ‘language’ to ‘nag’ less?” … then this is the course for you.
Please see our Workshops (one off sessions delivered in one or half a day) – An Introduction to Building Resilience, An Introduction to Mindfulness, An Introduction to True Colours and An Introduction to Confident Parents-Confident Children.
Please see our Tasters (one off sessions delivered in 1-2 hours) – Power Struggles, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, Motivating Your Child Academically, Parenting Styles, Sibling Rivalry, Understanding Challenging Behaviour, Labelling, Effective Discipline, Birth Order, True Colours and Dads Matter.
You can read parents comments from those who have attended our programmes on our Parents Stories and Feedback page
See What’s Coming Up where you can book your FREE place, meet us in the community, contact us for more information about any of the above or register your interest by clicking the button below: