Did you know that your physical surroundings, such as your house, car, kitchen cupboards or wardrobes can have a huge impact on how you feel? Have you ever shoved just one more item into that under- stair cupboard and walked away smiling, only to be carrying that niggling ‘unfinished business’ feeling the rest of the […]
Category: Uncategorised
We are Hiring!
If you (or anyone else you know) would like to work for Sharing Parenting please see our vacancies page. Outreach Workers We are currently looking for Outreach Workers to cover Newmarket, Brandon, Mildenhall and Lakenheath and areas. These are currently split into 2 posts but can be combined for the right candidate. The positions are […]
Cheap, easy & nutritious meals
If you have been on our Raising Children programme you will have heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of need or take a look here: https://www.sharingparenting.com/2019/08/15/a-to-z-of-parenting/ As food is so important to mood and behaviour remember: We are what we eat! Research has found that processed foods are not good for us and our children, but healthy […]
Cheap & easy Christmas Presents
Christmas is creeping closer and is always a tricky time when looking for ideal presents and can be an expensive time for families too. If you celebrate Christmas, and feel you have to give presents, we have put together some ideas to help keep the cost down. Remember though, the best thing you can spend […]
Who’s scared?
Join us this month at Newmarket Library more details here […]
Teenage drinking
What is your opinion on teenage drinking? Another parenting dilemma discussed by Sharing Parenting Director Suzanne Pearson on BBC radio 5 live: Find out more about the teenage brain and how to keep communication open with your teenagers on our Raising Teens course. For more information contact us. […]
Fresh off the press!
Our new magazine is ready for you to read or to download here Autumn 2019 . Lots of starting school tips and and more information about your True Colour?? […]
Child feeling anxious going back to school?
With school started many children just fit back into place. They enjoy catching up with friends, seeing their new teacher and the whole school experience. However there are those children who find school difficult and can get anxious over it and truly dread it. They worry about making friends, playtime and leaving mum and dad. […]
Is your child starting school in September?
Some great ideas to help them (and you) prepare over the Summer on BBC bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znc9vk7 1. Help them take responsibility (encourage them to help tidy up, clear their own plate, find their shoes etc.) 2. Encourage them to problem solve (you want to reach your toys, how can I help you?) 3. Help them get […]
Can I leave my child home alone?
Our very own Suzanne Pearson was on 3 Counties radio, on the JVS show, on 29th July talking about this. With the school holidays upon us and parents struggling to take the 6 weeks off work it is an important question to ask. General rules to consider are: Know (and be honest about) your child’s […]