Our thoughts are with the Royal Family, and everyone who is experiencing feelings of grief and loss, following the death of our Queen. She was our longest serving Monarch and a Mother, a Wife, an Aunty, a Grandmother and a Great Grandmother. Loosing such a prominent figure head may trigger feelings of previous loss or […]
Category: Uncategorised
29. Parenting Podcasts
To help more parents access quality parenting information and support we’ve joined the world of podcasting. Search Sharing Parenting Podcasts for REAL parents on Apple Podcasts, or where ever you get your podcasts or click below. Episodes 1. “Why do I always feel as though I am failing as a parent” 2. ‘I am worried […]
Parenting Books and Podcasts for Understanding Child Development and Emotional Wellbeing
Looking for a good read? With hundreds of books on the market it is hard to know which books are any good. Here at Sharing Parenting we love a good parenting book, that gives some evidence based advice. We have put together a list of some of our favourite books and recommendations from some of […]
How do I talk to my children about Ukraine?
Suzanne, spoke to Louise Hulland inMarch 2022 on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire to share her thoughts. You can listen here: Please let us know if you have anything you would like to add to this article. Want to show your support to Ukrainian families? Did you know the Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. Please […]
Chinese Year of the …
Since 2020, Sharing Parenting have been working closely with colleagues to deliver our programmes in China. This is one of the reasons we won the Leading Providers of International Parenting Support Solutions 2020 –with the Parent and Baby Awards 2020 We wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year for Monday 1st February 2022. This year […]
Do you love a quiz?
Lindsey, who takes care of our finances at Sharing Parenting kindly put together this quiz for our Christmas get together and we thought we would share it with you! All you need to do is: Un-jumble the letters to reveal Christmas themed words. Add one of the letters to the green […]
What Shall We Talk About?
Has the conversation dried up in your house or would you like something new to talk about? Our lovely team has put together a list of suggestions for you and your family. Choose ONE (or a number) from this list to connect with your family members – you might learn something new about each other […]
Bepuzzling Summer Trail Comes to Newmarket
This summer, families in Newmarket will be able to track down 10 colourfully outlandish vehicles on a high street trail thanks to newly formed group, Family Trails. Championed by Discover Newmarket and Love Newmarket, two organisations with remits to help promote the town, the trail aims to offer a fun, interactive experience for residents and […]
What do Golf and Parenting have in common?
LOVE GOLF – LOVE PARENTING! What do Golf and Parenting have in common? Rules of the Game Golf and Parenting: Patience, Persistence, Perseverance, Presence, Participation. Consistency Golf: It’s difficult to achieve the perfect stroke in Golf. Work on your stance, balance and swing. Being consistent in your approach makes it easier […]
10 Tips to Encourage Reading At Home
Reading with your children shouldn’t be a chore. Here we share 10 tops tips to make reading easy and fun! You may also be interested in: How to support my child at home and Top Tips to Keep calm with the children at home and Video top tips for positive behaviour […]