31. How does your parenting style effect behaviour and self esteem?

What’s your parenting style? What parenting style did you grow up with? At Sharing Parenting we discuss 3 different styles:   1. Aggressive – this is the Sergeant Major type, behaviours include shouting and threatening body language such as finger pointing. 2. Passive – Mr or Ms Marshmallow, likely to be giving in quickly to all demands, slumped body language, […]

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26. How can I help my child to take responsibility with choice and consequences?

Supporting your children to take responsibility is one of the most important tools you can give your child.  Suzanne explains more here:  Hi my name is Suzanne Pearson and I’m from Sharing Parenting. Today we are going to talk about choices and consequences . So when do we use choices and consequences? We usually use […]

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