Thanks to funding from Suffolk Community Foundation and the fantastic work of our Outreach Workers a pack is provided FREE to referred families to support them and their children at home during lockdown/isolation.
Each pack contains items such as: games, toys, crafts, stationary, Sharing Parenting parent manual, and useful handouts to help parents during these challenging times.

Once we receive the referral from agencies (who have the family’s consent) we will contact the family and arrange to safely deliver a pack to the family home (whilst following the government’s social distancing advice).
Our aim is to support families with the provision of these fun activities to enjoy with the children and provide helpful support and information.
Please can you send all completed referral forms to: outreach@sharingparenting.com
Please share information about the project with other local agencies supporting families in West Suffolk.
Also, if you have any information and support leaflets for families you would like us to include in the packs, please email outreach@sharingparenting.com